
Showing posts from August, 2021

[Movie Cinema] 30 movies to Watch in August 2021, Action, love, animation - Free downloads #Arewapublisize

    2021 is mid way gone and we present to you the 30 hot movies from the cinemas you can watch and download for free. The movies which range from love, adventure, action and fiction are all a must watch set of movies. Kindly check and download ones of your choice. 1. Outside the Wire .................  DOWNLOAD 2.  Gunpowder Milkshake  .................  DOWNLOAD 3. Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans .................  DOWNLOAD 4. Vivo ...................  DOWNLOAD 5. [Movie] Resort to Love  .................  DOWNLOAD 6. [Movie] The Last Mercenary  .................  DOWNLOAD 7. [Movie] Jolt (2021)  .................  DOWNLOAD 8. [Movie] Fatal Frenemies . ................  DOWNLOAD 9. [Movie] The Forever Purge   .................  DOWNLOAD 10. [Movie] Pig  .................  DOWNLOAD 11. [Movie] Deep (2021)  .................  DOWNLOAD 12. [Movie] Space Jam: A New Lega...

Miss Arochukwu Creative

   Miss Arochukwu Creative was established to promote and project integrity, beauty, entrepreneurship and fashion amongst our Arochukwu ladies who have the passion to make a great impact to our great Kingdom in lifting unemployment among youths. Miss Arochukwu Creative Pageantry is an event owned and Operated by Aro Okeigbo Blog. Read More...

Best App to Sell Gift Card in Nigeria

  You have five seconds to think about this question. Where is the best place to sell your gift card in Nigeria? Time up! Think about five reasons why you think they are the best. What if I told you  Cardvest  offers better services than them? As a gift card trader, there are definitely some characteristic you will never joke with when considering a platform to trade. Talking about best rates to sell your gift cards to timely customer response to easy usage of the trading platform. CardVest App; The best App to Sell Gift Card in Nigeria CardVest is one of the foremost digital asset traders in Nigeria that began operations in 2016 and since then, CardVest has been established as one of the most profitable exchangers inN Nigeria. CardVest has a mobile application that allows registered users to trade gift cards of any type for cash in Nigeria. Users of the platform enjoy some of the best gift card rates you can get anywhere in Nigeria. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD CARDVEST APP ON...

Best App to Sell Gift Card for Ghana Cedis and Naira

    Getting a platform that allows you to sell your gift cards in Ghana Cedi and Naira is quite a task. As much as there are a lot of platforms to trade, there are limited ones that make special efforts to ensure they deliver top-notch services most especially juicy rates. Astro Africa is a gift card trading platform that ensures top-notch service is delivered at the best rates.  Astro Africa: Africa’s Best Gift Card Trading Platform Astro Africa  is a pan-African fintech company with offices in Lagos and Accra. Their service is the trade of digital assets like gift cards. Several features make Astro Africa stand out. Some of which are customer-friendliness, best trading rates, and the aim to create an all-inclusive platform for financial transactions for Africans. Currently, most of Astro’s services are readily available to Nigerians and Ghanaians. Their base currencies are the Naira and the Ghana Cedis.  To further ensure seamless trading activity, Astro Afric...

[Extended play] Temi mine- Temi mine the EP (3 tracks project) @temi_minep

  Well known afro pop artist ' Temi mine ' pulls up with a solid body of work, an extended play titled ' Temi mine '. Temi mine who is signed to Proper Republic Entertainment pulls up with 3 tracks, all produced and mixed by 3Dclassique. TRENDING: 🔥Music] Espee J - Pay roll (prod. Cherch Boiz Nation)  Temi mine the EP is a body of work anticipated so much by Temi mine fans, a delivered heavy, just like ' Every track get where e touch' . Artwork by Icr8 Design studios. Download Temi mine EP by TEmi mine and drop a comment.  ALSO READ:  List Of 19 Villages In Arochukwu my Twitter and Instagram handle @temi_minep STREAM VIA FANLINK  Temi mine- Temi mine the EP STREAM VIA FANLINK TRACKLIST / DOWNLOAD 1. GIMME LUV   ..................  DOWNLOAD 2. MORE   ..................  DOWNLOAD 3. AMAZING GRACE  ..................  DOWNLOAD STREAM ON AUDIOMACK

[Music Chart] #Arewapublisize Top 10 songs for July 2021 - Hosted by Kitoh Marley

    The Arewapublisize Top 10 songs edition as usual is back, this being the Edition for  July 2021 is a special one, features a lot of artists and is hosted by Nigerian / Benin Republic Producer ' Kitoh Marley.  TRENDING: Producer Biography] Full Biography of Kitoh marley - Nigerian/Benin republic music producer The  Arewapublisize top 10  also clocks 5 years this year, this is a compilation of songs uploaded in a particular month, 15 songs with high download are selected and hyped again, to encourage our artists, hosted by Kitoh marley, Download below. 1. Asoli  - 6 Rounds (prod. Shu Aib) .................  DOWNLOAD NOW 2. Baw d - Money (prod. Chuk Barz)  .................  DOWNLOAD NOW 3. Ejiro ft zega - something (prod. Stepctix)  .................  DOWNLOAD NOW 4. Ayeemz - Kano to Sakwato EP   .................  DOWNLOAD NOW 5. Jesse - Hakane (prod. Jesse)  .................  DOWNLOAD NOW 6. C - wa...